How many layers do you need?
Cement-lime arranged in two or three layers. Rendering is the first, second - a mark-up, usually finishing third. The surface of the second layer can blur the sharp or smooth. If the plaster is blurred smoothly, you can stick it on the wallpaper or painted wall with paint.
Note, however, that the area obliterated smoothly will never look like a third layer is aligned, or strokes. Instead of strokes can be arranged into decorative plaster or ceramic tile.
Plasters are popular among others because it puts them in one layer, which can wipe out in a way that actually will not need smoothing layer.
Hand or machine plastering?
Both cement and lime plaster, and plaster can be laid by hand - mixture is applied to the wall and destroys the float trowel. You can do it yourself or rely on professionals. If you have decided on the employment of plasterers, check to see if it pays to placement (preparation and imposition), plaster with aggregate. This significantly reduces the time machine works: plaster aggregate per day can be about 100 m2 of walls and ceilings. Dissemination of a plastering machine meant that interest in arranging plasters to hand - less productive and non-economic - has declined. In particular, this applies to single-layer gypsum plasters. This method is recommended especially for large areas - the smaller rooms (no more than 50 m2) is verified by hand plastering.
Attention! Concreting aggregate mixtures for special plasters and cement-lime plaster.
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