Friday, June 21, 2013

Secure the house before leaving

Fire, flooding or theft - that anything can happen in your house while you calmly for the vacation. So before you leave, secure housing, that no accident has not disturbed your rest during the leave and upon their return.

An empty house

An empty house is an opportunity for a thief. It is secured against the flat, especially when the going often. First, invest in security doors, burglar bars and blinds, especially if you live on the ground or in a detached house. Please check before departure that all doors and windows are closed. You can install the ringtones from their wireless motion sensor and alarm, which will be lit after crossing the line. Interrupt links pasted into an aluminum foil windscreen start the alarm. Special contacts or shock sensors can be placed under carpets or along the sidewalk. They react to human touch and the steps already in a radius of 20 meters. When going for a longer ask a neighbor (of course if you know and live well with each other) on vigilance, not only within their own property, but also an interest in what is going on with you. You can ask him to delete letters and leaflets from the mailbox, or implore uninvited visitors (thieves often in the absence of the household claim to be someone from the crew repair or distant relatives who have just fallen from the visit). Trusted neighbor can even leave the key to your apartment to your flowers watered and guarded, so there was not any accident, possibly quickly react to unexpected events such as flooding apartment by neighbors in advance. Do not forget to give him a phone number at which, if necessary, will be able to reach you.

You may leave during the absence of a light that will signal a potential thief that someone is at home. It is in this case, consider the provisional mounting breaker. Devices such as computer, television, hi-fi, microwave, coffee and kitchen electrical disconnect from power. During the storm could reach the clash, which will destroy the equipment, and can even cause a fire. Valves open and close the kitchen and gas stove in the bathroom, if you have one. Turn off water supply, if possible, and if not, it has to spin in the washing machine tap.

You can also buy an insurance policy that covers incidents such as aggravated burglary, fire, explosion, flooding the apartment, lightning, hurricane, hail, landslides, terrain, avalanches and torrential rains that cause flooding.
For a more info about home securing call IL Roofing Contractor experts!

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