Waiting for it to dry up the walls themselves may be not only long - lasts up to two years - but also unpleasant and dangerous. Allergies, rheumatism and respiratory diseases are just some of the effects of residence in the damp walls. In addition to that moisture flows adversely on human health, reduces the strength of walls and makes the reduced durability of the cladding panels and plaster gk. House of moist heat is also difficult, because the wet walls of the more heat escapes.

To see the dampness of walls, you should ask the firm with specialized expertise. Usually the humidity is determined by CM-called CM. The work is not complicated. The walls are taken for analysis of the sample - at least six, but experts recommend ten. Holes are made inside the house at a height of 50 cm above the floor or on the outside - 50 cm above ground level. Cost of one sample is according to the company $50-150.
When the humidity of the walls does not exceed 3%, this means that they are dry. If you reach 5%, no need to drain, but the level of moisture should be checked for half a year. Humidity 8-10% dry walls should necessarily because it is already at 12% are considered to be wet.
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